Become a Friend of Modbury Caring

Modbury Caring was formed to provide transport enabling people living in the Modbury Health Centre service area to attend medical appointments.

We have a team of Volunteer Drivers who transport clients between their homes and the Health Centre or hospital, and have a befriending service for those on their own who would value being visited. We invite clients to make a donation to cover car costs, but rely on the financial support of donors.

The Friends of Modbury Caring are the voting members of the charity, and elect the management committee each year. They receive regular details of events and activities and information on the charity’s progress.

To become a Friend please complete an application, forms are available from the Modbury Health Centre, or you can download the form by clicking on the link below.

Application Form

Please complete and return to the Modbury Health Centre.

The minimum annual subscription is £15.00, and can be paid by cheque or bank standing order. Subscriptions are due on 1st January each year. Subscriptions which are paid in the last quarter of the year run to the end of the following calendar year. If you do not wish your subscription to be Gift Aided; just delete the Declaration.

And if you would like to be involved more fully, whether as a Volunteer Driver, Befriender or with fund raising, please contact us using our volunteer contact form.

Thank you for your support!



Join the 100 Club

Modbury Caring provides and manages a car service that offers transport for people which will enable them to attend health-related appointments (doctor, dentist, optician, hospital, etc).

It also offers a befriending service for those who may be faced with challenging times or who may be feeling lonely and isolated.

The Modbury Caring 100 Club raises funds for these services. To join please complete an application form that is available from the Modbury Health Centre, or you can download the form below by clicking on the link below.

100 Club Application Form

Please complete the form and send it to the Treasurer or put it in the letter box in the Health Centre lobby. The annual subscription is £12 and can be made in cash, cheque or by bank standing order. A list of members will be sent on request and can be found on the notice board in the Health Centre lobby.



Scrap Metal Wanted

Your old scrap metal can help fund the work done by Modbury Caring. We accept almost anything – car batteries, electric cable, motors and copper tubing are especially desirable!

Unfortunately we are unable to accept televisions and ‘fridges.

Ring Bill Cole on 01548 830913 for information on pick up spots or to arrange collection.

scrap meta wanted